COVID-19 Message
With global concern around the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Spider Bite Webs’ top priority is the health and safety of our team and customers while maintaining our day-to-day operations.
We want to assure you that Spider Bite Webs is open for business and we are confident in our ability to seamlessly deliver the services and value you count on. The Spider Bite Webs team will do our part to help slow the spread of COVID-19 by implementing travel restrictions, move to virtual meetings, and implement work from home plans for all of our team partners in California, Arizona, New York, and India.
Here are the changes we’ve made:
Most of our customer support, sales, and marketing teams have been on a remote work program for the past several months and those who were not are now also part of the Spider Bite Webs work-from-home plan.
Partners who normally travel regularly are restricted from non-essential travel until further notice.
Our technical teams have moved to a work-from-home plan with access to all the same connectivity and technology that they have always used and are currently unaffected and operating normally.
We strive to make our customers and partners the center of our universe, and you can expect the same level of service and support through all of this. We will stay close to the situation and as things change, we will communicate immediately.
At this time, we do not anticipate any delays in sending you marketing messages by way of email, text, or our website and we continue to have the ability to fully support our customers’ online success.
You can look forward to messages from us in the coming days about how Spider Bite Webs can be leveraged even more in this new economy as well as tips about how other online businesses have succeeded.
As always, please feel free to visit us on our website, or Facebook, and look to our BLOG page for new and interesting marketing ideas. And of course, continue to contact your web developer as needed, as you always have.
We hope you and your community are healthy and safe!
Geoff Gibbs
Founder/Spider Bite Webs